I came indoors, grabbed my camera and went straight out into the garden.
These buds on the laurel bush will soon pop open to form little white flowers. They smell wonderful when the sun warms them.
The catkins on the contorted willow are delicate and papery, so they dance and quiver in the slightest breeze.
The creamy white tracery of lace-like markings stands out against the bright, deep green of these new leaves. They look like arrow-heads for artists!
The mahonia flowers have almost burst from their buds. The vibrant yellow is like a flag waving at me from my kitchen window. I don't really like these plants, but they do have a strong perfume that most people find very attractive.
I much prefer the delicate scent of the skimmia flowers, but they are fairly insignificant compared with the loud yellow mahonia! This small bush grows next to my summerhouse window, and perfumes the air when I sit there on warmer days. Perhaps that will be any day soon?
Of course, everyone loves Wordsworth's flower, the daffodil. They smell wonderful, and it's very tempting to cut them to bring indoors, but once you do, they soon fade. Much better to let them flutter and dance out on the grass, like barefoot ladies!
I think my favourite of the spring flowers that I grow has to be the primrose. It's so unassuming, growing low to the ground, but I love how its pale, soft and silky flowers contrast with the crunchy, textured dark green leaves. This flower self-seeds all over my garden, even popping up from the cracks between the paving slabs on the patio!